Portugal Surf Guide is a guide in portable format, bilingual edition, Portuguese/English, which aims to promote the sport of surfing in Portugal and abroad, assuming itself as the first inventory of its kind, based on a survey of data. relating to the Portuguese coast and the places suitable for surfing.
At the same time, it intends to contribute to an overall vision of surfing in our country, promoting, in a simple, direct and effective way, Portugal as a surfing destination.

Many surfers arrive at the beach today with the wrong boards for their level, try to enter where they still don't have the capacity to enter and end up losing all the fun of surfing. This book is for everyone who wants to go further and isn't afraid to learn every day. It can be read from beginning to end or by chapter, depending on the interest of each one. Here you will learn more about choosing a beach, weather and wave forecasts, surfing rules, boards, facts, what to eat, what exercises to do, how to avoid injuries and safety rules.
SURFING - The Next Step
Today, access to surfing is easier than ever for everyone, whether through schools or accessibility to surfing material (boards, wetsuits, etc.). However, what we are seeing is not an improvement in the level of surfing in the water; on the contrary, we see more and more surfers lost at sea, unable to really enjoy the waves and surfing. On the other hand, surf schools today prepare anyone to ride a wave without a problem, but they fail when they don't have time to explain to their students how they get in the water, how they get out, where they should position themselves at the peak or even how to read a forecast and decide where to surf.


Portugal Surf Guide is a guide in portable format, bilingual edition, Portuguese/English, which aims to promote the sport of surfing in Portugal and abroad, assuming itself as the first inventory of its kind, based on a survey of data. relating to the Portuguese coast and the places suitable for surfing.
At the same time, it intends to contribute to an overall vision of surfing in our country, promoting, in a simple, direct and effective way, Portugal as a surfing destination.

SURFING - The Next Step
Today, access to surfing is easier than ever for everyone, whether through schools or accessibility to surfing material (boards, wetsuits, etc.). However, what we are seeing is not an improvement in the level of surfing in the water; on the contrary, we see more and more surfers lost at sea, unable to really enjoy the waves and surfing.
Here you will learn more about choosing a beach, weather and wave forecasts, surfing rules, boards, facts, what to eat, what exercises to do, how to avoid injuries and safety rules.

In a world on the brink of a large-scale environmental crisis, there is a global action force that fights to defend man and humanity.
The Saviors, created by Queen D. Maria I, are a secret society recognized by most governments around the world to provide support and operational logistics to prevent, resolve or assist in natural disasters. Due to their Templar origins, they also have another mission, this one secret: that of spying, extracting, capturing or eliminating enemies around the world.
In 2019 they identify a threat that leads them on a chase through Spain, Nigeria, Oman that ends in Lisbon. The team assigned to lead this operation finds itself involved in a network of information and counter-intelligence, ending up uncovering an enemy much more powerful than they could have imagined and will have to avoid the worst-case scenario: a terrorist attack that could destroy the city of Lisbon. Will they be able to avoid such a catastrophe?

The physical activity and sport sector needs to benefit from entrepreneurship and innovation. Product, technological, organizational, marketing and commercial innovation. The coordination of the work intended to provide physical activity and sport professionals with ten chapters where they find the methodologies to undertake and innovate. The book intends to be an instrument for the development of entrepreneurial skills that will provide the transformation of entrepreneurs' lives and changes in the lives of clients or participants in physical activity and sport.